Please don't flame me ... but Sam's comment about some wear in the paint of 
his P3 got me to thinking.

Whenever someone asks me how I like my K3 (which happens a lot!)  I deliver 
a 10 minute commercial and then pause for a moment in deep thought and 
(weakly, and by way of emphasizing the positives I had just mentioned) say 
that the only nit pic I have is with the paint.  That always gets a laugh.

It's true, though.  My K2 and now my K3 have numerous little dings due to 
very minor mishaps that would never have chipped the typical hard enamel on 
any of my other equipment.   I've often wondered why such beautifully 
engineered gear has such fragile paint.

Sam Morgan had said:
Seems my paper thin, short, male fingernail tips,
have already scratched off parts of the original lettering,
above the 2nd, 3rd and 4th buttons (from the top).
doesn't affect

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