
RE: Your 1a.

After deleting the Linux partitions from Windows, using Acronis Disk Director, 
removing GRUB was easy. I Booted from my XP install CD, went into Recovery 
and did 'fixmbr'.

73. Mike NF4L

On 1/5/2011 12:28 PM, John Ragle wrote:
> As a long-time Unix and Linux user, I have the following comments...
> 1. It is indeed possible to have a dual-boot machine running both WIN
> (e.g. WIN 7 or WIN XP) and Linux.
> 1a. The bootstrap loader ("GRUB") is not easy to remove, and I would
> highly recommend you have a complete bit-image (not just a data-file
> backup!!!) copy of your original, functional, system, including programs
> and OS, before you try to install Linux.
> 2. Some amateur radio programs (e.g. FLDIGI) have very good versions
> that run under Linux.
> 3. Some UBUNTU distributions load and run on my particular machines
> (usually I use a Dell XPS 420 running WIN  7 Ultimate (32 bit)), and
> others do not load properly. In particular, the last Ubuntu distribution
> that I was able to load and use successfully ON THIS MACHINE was
> 10.04.1. This seems to be somewhat dependent on the machine.
> 4. Various Red Hat (Fedora, etc) distributions work, but are a tiny bit
> more difficult to install and extend.
> 5. It is not true that there are no virus issues with Linux. There are
> specific Linux viruses, but since Linux is much less popular than
> Windows, the creeps that write such malware have paid less attention to
> it than to Windows. I speak from the experience of having to rebuild a
> Linux OS that was virus-infected. Vide:
> 6. "Drivers" are still an issue. Ubuntu 10.04.1 would not recognize my
> sound cards on the Dell XPS. This is disastrous for programs that
> utilize a sound card for AFSK, etc. Red Hat's distribution would. Go
> figure.
> In the best of all possible worlds, Linux is fine. It is small, very
> reliable, almost virus-free, and when used with a windowing shell, it is
> almost like a Windows OS. The main problem you might encounter is that
> there is a paucity of applications for Linux, for the same reason that
> the malware builders don't spend much time on Linux.
> If you try to operate from a console window in Linux, you are faced with
> the same situation as with Unix...the command structure is quite
> different, and there is a bit of a learning curve. The situation is not
> as utopian as is sometimes said. Be prepared, in the worst case, to
> rebuild your Windows from scratch (i.e. from your bit-image backup). It
> is not too hard to get into a situation where a machine won't boot at
> all without some outside help.
> John Ragle -- W1ZI
> =====
> On 1/5/2011 11:16 AM, wrote:
>> This has also been my experience. The ubuntu Dual Boot installation works 
>> great.
>> Or you can run ubuntu off a CD. No anti virus needed for ubuntu. You can get 
>> used to ubuntu but still have Windows...
> Ron, WB1HGA also wrote
>>> Bob,
>>> if you are that concerned about windose, why not look into Linux. Both
>>> 32 and 64 bit. The Linux system comes in different flavors with more 
>>> popular ones being Ubuntu, LinuxMint, Fedora.
>>> You then install Linux side by side with windose. This is called duo
>>> boot. You chose which os you want to use.
>>> The best part of Linux is, it's more secure! No viruses to worry about
>>> like in windose!
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