On 7 Jan 2011 at 13:48, Amateur Radio Operator N5GE wrote:

> I've been a ham for 35 years now and have experienced the round the
> world trip signals on CW during most good propagation when using QSK. 
> It's interesting, but not that rare, especially when you are using high
> power and good directional antennas.

In 2002 with my K2 at 5W I heard my own signals coming back to me while 
calling stations on 10m, at a time when there were JA stations coming 
in with auroral tone. These delays were the classic 140ms or so for a 
single hop round the world. My best DX, working myself on longpath...

But the LDE's referred to on 80m are more usually several seconds. 
There was an extensive article in QST a few years ago from a USA 
amateur who had experienced these. You can easily explain the round-the-
world ones (and you don't need high power) but there is no logical 
explanation for the very long delay ones. I don't expect to hear these 
myself with 5W and a short longwire...

73 Dave G3YMC


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