Amen Don, you just hit the nail right on the head.

I struggled with an interface box and set it aside and got the K3/PC
hookup working and never did bother with the interface box after that
as I found the current setup does it all.

KISS is the Portable Operators 'Bible' for me now..:-)


On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Don Wilhelm <> wrote:
>  Joe,
> My apologies to your products, but I have been a long and strong
> believer in the KISS principle.  "Keep It Simple Stupid".  Yes, there
> are accessories that make things more usable, but at the expense of
> simplicity.  Every device added to the combination of things to put a
> signal on the air adds to the complexity of the entire setup.  And that
> added complexity adds to the number of devices that can fail, and adds
> exponentially to the number of setup combinations that are possible -
> some combinations will work, others will almost work, and a lot of other
> combinations result in requests for help here on the Elecraft
> reflector.  None of those combinations are a K3 problem, but are a
> result of the complexity of the various components in the users station
> setup.
> Since the K3 does support digital modes direct from a computer
> soundcard, it would be prudent IMHO for users to try that combination
> first before committing to the extra features afforded by an external
> interface box.
> In two cases in the last two days, we have encountered "problems" on
> this reflector where the user of an external interface box had problems
> because the audio levels presented to the K3 were at microphone level
> instead of line level - simply because the interface box manufacturer
> did not consider that any transceiver would be using line level inputs.
> Your Microham interface boxes may give consideration to line level input
> (I don't know one way or the other), but many do not even consider
> anything other than mic level input.  I am not targeting the Microham
> products, but am simply indicating that many digital interface boxes do
> not consider line level audio input to the transceiver.
> Again with the KISS principle, the more functions that are placed in the
> interface box, the more complex the entire station operation becomes.
> Once properly set up, it can be a benefit, but for those who are
> initially venturing into digital modes, the variety of setup tools and
> menus for a particular interface box can be overwhelming.  This is not a
> K3 problem.  Set things up using the simplest connections possible, and
> determine that the K3 works.  Then add the interface box - if it does
> not work, then it should be obvious that some setup parameter for the
> interface box is the problem and the user should direct his questions to
> the interface box reflector and not bring implications that the K3 is
> faulty.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 1/9/2011 8:06 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
>>> In other words (for those using a K3), an additional soundcard may be
>>> a better solution than one of the "Digital Interface" boxes.
>> That depends entirely on the feature set the user needs.
>> 1) The K3 can not switch between soundcard input and microphone
>>    input based on PTT source to support DVK from logging software
>> 2) The K3 can not automatically control band switching in an Icom
>>    PW-1 or other CI-V compatible accessories.
>> 3) The K3 does not have a keyer compatible with the three major
>>    contest loggers and several major "day to day" loggers.
>> I'm sure I can come up with two or three more features if pressed.
>> In any case, dismissing the "digital interfaces" rather than helping
>> K3 users make their equipment coexist properly is rather short
>> sighted.
>> 73,
>>    ... Joe Subich, W4TV
>>        microHAM America, LLC.
>> On 1/9/2011 7:29 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
>>>    Bob,
>>> Your assertion that one does not have to use the normal computer
>>> soundcard is well received.  BUT there is no need to use one of the
>>> "Digital Interfaces" just to get the soundcard function.  There are
>>> plenty of external soundcards available at less cost than the digital
>>> interfaces, and for those with desktop computers, adding an internal
>>> soundcard (in addition to the normal Windows soundcard) is an easy thing
>>> to do.  Most applications will let you select which soundcard should be
>>> used.
>>> In other words (for those using a K3), an additional soundcard may be a
>>> better solution than one of the "Digital Interface" boxes.
>>> 73,
>>> Don W3FPR
>>> On 1/9/2011 6:59 PM, Bob Naumann wrote:
>>>> The TI-5 has a USB sound card in it. The idea is so you don't have to
>>>> interfere with your "normal" computer's sound card.
>>>> I have a TI-5 and it works nicely - although I do FSK RTTY so the
>>>> transmit
>>>> levels are not something I have to mess with.
>>>> 73,
>>>> Bob W5OV
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From:
>>>> [] On Behalf Of Tony Estep
>>>> Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:50 PM
>>>> To: Elecraft
>>>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3/RigExpert TI-5
>>>> On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Don Wilhelm<>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> ...With the K3, no digital interface is required...everything needed
>>>>> built-in, no need for a separate interface box.
>>>> What Don said. Start out by hooking the K3 straight to the computer (3
>>>> cables: serial, audio in, audio out) and get it working that way. It
>>>> will do
>>>> all digital modes, SSB, CW, and everything else without an
>>>> interface. Then
>>>> you will know everything works and can adjust levels, etc. After
>>>> that you
>>>> can insert an interface if for some reason you need one.
>>>> Tony KT0NY
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