Hi Larry,

I saw your original announcement and checked your web site. At the time, I
thought it was a remarkable piece of equipment and I still do. I'm not
surprised the QRO guys were very interested. But I am surprised that you
don't understand why more QRP ops have not expressed interest.

For many of us QRP types, "Less is More". That's what attracted us to QRP in
the first place. Not the ability to get crappy signal reports as a reward
for running low power, but the ability to get any signal report with
"relatively" simple equipment. An SWR/wattmeter that seems to be more
sophisticated than my K1 isn't exactly at the top of my shopping list even
if it does match it in size. And the very idea of owning an instrument with
a 2500W range flat turns me off. (Yes, I could just ignore it). Of course,
that might just be me. Others might see that as an appealing feature.

My purpose is not to knock your SWR/Wattmeter. As I said it is a remarkable
instrument. It may very well be the best QRP/QRPp wattmeter out there; it
has the right range and resolution to fill that bill. You wouldn't be the
first manufacturer to wonder why customers don't see the same value you see
in your product. It may be as simple as getting back in touch with the
customers you are trying to appeal to. You obviously are making an impact on
the QRO ops. It might be worth figuring out what QRP ops are looking for in
an SWR/wattmeter.

Also, I can't seem to find any price for the SWR/Wattmeter on your website.
I understand you were taking orders at Dayton so pricing must have been
established. Maybe you could share it here.


-----Original Message-----

I was surprised I didn't see more QRPers though, since the E-meter is an
outstanding QRP wattmeter for main station use, with tons of high-end
features, and will have a case that closely matches the K1/EC1 in the
production version. I got more orders from the QRO guys than QRPers, and
they mostly wanted assembled versions.

Larry N8LP
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