Some of you are old enough to remember that back in the mid 50s my "nemesis" in 
the old ARRL CD Parties was my fellow Western New Yorker, Keith, W2FEB.  But 
Keith also gave me what is probably a collector's item for my old 
garden-variety Vibroplex bug -- a special weight.

I, too, had a Vibroplex that didn't like to go down low enough in speed to suit 
me.  I, too, tried using _two_ of the standard Vibroplex weights, with 
unexciting results.  I, too, tried wrapping turns of solder around the standard 

Keith worked at a machine shop in Lockport, north of Buffalo.  He designed and 
fabricated a special weight that was narrower than the the stock Vibroplex 
weight, but had a much larger diameter (and perhaps higher density, as well).  
His primary purpose in designing it was not the lower speed but, rather, the 
desire to be able to change speed without messing around with the knurled set 
screw on the normal weight.  So he built into it a spring-loaded ball bearing 
that kept it in position on the shaft, yet allowed it to be slid farther in or 
out on the shaft with two fingers and a thumb (generally on the same hand).  
Really cool.  (Kewl?)

This is not totally off-topic, since I occasionally hook up my old Vibroplex 
with W2FEB's weight and try sending with a bug using the sidetone on my K3 with 
the VOX disabled.  (I decline to comment on whether I'm keying my amplifier 
when I do that....)

Bud, W2RU (ex-K2KIR)
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