Agreed Kevin!

Personally I would prefer that the brilliant minds in Watsonville (and various 
other "skunkworks" sites) spend their necessarily limited resources working on 
Elecraft type projects  (improving and updating and perfecting the K2, K3, P3, 
KPA500, KAT500 etc.) and whatever back room projects they have on the fire than 
spending their time producing products such as power supplies, which, in my 
case, sit on the floor out of sight and just  - supply power.

Actually, I am amazed at their ability to have so many balls in the air without 
apparently dropping any!


On 7/2/2011, at 3:00 , R. Kevin Stover wrote:

> I really don't understand the hubbub about having a matching power
> supply. Mine has never matched any radio hooked up to it and it sits on
> the floor.
> I'd hope Elecraft wouldn't waste time and resources on trying to
> re-invent the pretty much perfected power supply wheel unless they can
> make a quantum leap in power supply performance, like they did with
> receiver performance on the K2 and 3.
> I just don't see it. A power supply is a power supply. They are
> commodity items.
> Someone thinks they're going to shoehorn the guts of an RS-20M into a
> P3? Good luck! I don't think the transformer would fit much less the
> heat sink.
> -- 
> R. Kevin Stover
> AC0H
> _______________________
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