The audio stage in the K1 is pretty simple and not much can go wrong.
Assuming it's getting sufficient drive (no way to really check with just a
DMM I don't think), it should work.

I would start with the "classics":
1. Check ALL your solder joints. Don't just look at them, reheat them. Don't
add solder unless you forgot to solder it.
2. Recheck all the parts. There aren't very many. Make sure they are the
right values.
3. Check all the voltages on U3 and U4. Good for additional evidence, but by
themselves probably won't tell you much.
3. Try a different speaker. Or different headphones. My K1 seems to be very
sensitive to speakers. I use an external speaker, but some 8 ohm speakers I
have work great in the K1 and others with the same impedance don't have much
output, yet they work on other rigs. I can't explain it, and I don't try. I
just stuck with what worked!

There's lots of other possibilities other than the audio stages themselves,
but sometimes its good to know what's working to help you zero in on what's

If none of this pans out, maybe someone else on here who is adept at
troubleshooting with just a DMM can offer something. I gotta have at least
my crappy little RS Signal Injector to troubleshoot.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jerome Gunderson
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 12:50 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Sick K-1

Anybody out there who wants to tackle a repair on  k-1. It has very weak
audio. The receiver seems to align, I can hear stns, relays click, filters
wrk, LED's light properly, the display functions.
trouble shooting is not my bag. No test equipment at all but a DMM. I just
got back into ham radio after a pile of years. It is a new kit and is
complete. I have looked at that thing so much my eyes are seening green,
and everything seems to be correctly put together. 
K0RHK Jerry
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