Seems like unsoldered pins are a popular problem these days.
One of the things I do to avoid this is count as I solder. I expect an 8-pin
IC to have 8 pins to solder so I count them off as I do them. If I stick 14
resistors in, I expect 28 solder joints when I flip the board over. In the
case of 2-leaded parts I solder one side at a time to avoid heat build-up.
So I'd count off 14 on the first pass and another 14 on the second.
If's fairly normal to get off by one either because I really missed a lead
or I get distracted. That just prompts me to re-count to confirm I've got
them all.
The other thing I do is a systematic visual inspection at each of the
testing stages. It was during one of these that I found an unsoldered pin on
my K1, and that's what led me to start counting as I solder.
As I started the K2 last month we were discussing the need for a thorough
inventory prior to building, with me arguing against. I simply divided the
parts by type (resistors, capacitors, diodes, etc.). I didn't sort by value,
nor did I check everything off on the parts list before starting. I found
that the building process went pretty smoothly. There are a couple points in
the instructions where you're told to sort the remaining parts of a certain
type. Those instructions were sufficient to keep me on track.
I did have to refer to the parts list to identify some of the parts but
didn't have any other problems from not sorting everything by value prior to
building. This assumes that you're onto the Elecraft trick of putting some
parts in odd places. The thermal pads in the serial number kit is the
classic case. The other one is to say in the parts list that a cap might be
2, 2.2, or 2.7 but in the instructions call for only a 2.7 without
mentioning the other possibilities. If your kit has a 2.2 this will throw
you for a while.
K1 #1966
K2 #4941
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