I was especially impressed by the prompt response of Elecraft
yesterday to the ham who is in Togo with damaged gear.
Actions like that speak louder than words.
Marcelo, PY1KN
> Thanks for noticing, Bill :) The HK0NA crew certainly did a great job, > as 
> have other recent DXpeditions using K3s, etc. > > DXpedition
use of our gear has been a source of input and inspiration > for us, and we
provide a lot of support to the teams. Many hardware > and firmware refinements
now in shipping products can be traced to the > kind of stresses put on the
gear in inhospitable terrain and climate. > > We're now looking
forward to a few "micro DXpeditions" featuring the > KX3. >
> 73, > Wayne > N6KR > > > On Feb
7, 2012, at 8:20 AM, cqbi...@q.com wrote: > >> Surprised the lack
of comments on this subject, unless I missed it. >> I do want to thank the
Elecraft gang for their support of the HK0NA >> operation. I have been a ham
for 57yrs and had NEVER chased a single >> HF DXpedition, but I got the bug
with this one. What an amazing >> performance by the DXpedition team in all
respects. The collection >> of operators was outstanding and the Elecraft
gear sounded great. I >> wonder how many of the team had actually used a K3
before the >> DXpedition? I'm guessing more of them will be in the future!
Hi Hi >> >> I worked them on 14 - band/modes with 100w and
nothing but dipoles >> on 160/80/40/20. Thank heavens for antenna tuners. I
was shut out on >> 80, 160 and 6m but heard them on both 80 and 160 well
enough to call >> them, just too much competition and tropical QRN on their
end. >> >> Thanks again Elecraft, well done. Some fun photos
involving Elecraft >> gear on the DXpedition website under "Island
Reports and Photos" >> See HK0NA dot com. >> >>
73 Bill K0AWU -- K3 -#3460 >> >> >>
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