Google "SeaSonde" ... I used to work within a few hundred yards of
two of them ... one near Waldport, OR and one on Yaquina Head, OR.
Both are housed in the utility areas of public bathrooms. (;-) I have
numerous photos.

There are hundreds of ionospheric sounders scattered all over the
world.  The NBS operates one behind one of the NBS buildings in
Boulder, CO.

Noise from Jupiter is common throughout the HF range and can
sometimes seen in PSK waterfall displays.

I used to work in radio astronomy, BTW


Ken - K0PP
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 1:11 AM, Simon Lewis <> wrote:

> They are chirpsounders - normally on SSB or CW you may hear a 'blip' as
> they pass through
> using a pandapter you can see they whizzing up band visually!
> They are Ionospheric sounders mapping the layers. Quite useful tools.
> There are various radars and sounders also operating around 5-6 Mhz and 10
> MHz
> TIGER around the 10 MHz spectrum is another ionospheric sounds and you
> will see various CODAR signals too (these are wave heights and direction
> radars for weather)
> not very useful! with their broadband noisey signals.
> HF is a busy place even in these days of satellites and microwaves!
> Cheers
> Simon ZL4PLM
> Check out more information on the world 50 MHz and Up :
> > Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 20:04:43 -0500
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [Elecraft] P3 Display Anomaly
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Jim Bennett <> wrote:
> > > ...Every so often, perhaps once every 20 - 40 seconds or so, I see
> some sort of spur go flying across the screen.....
> > ================
> > I see 'em too, Jim, and I know they're for real because I can hear
> > them in my headphones. I don't know if you usually use headphones, but
> > if you do I'm pretty sure you too will hear the spurs as they fly
> > across.
> >
> > Some of these may be beacons. There are some beacons that sweep from
> > low to high, with antennas that shoot straight up; they are used by
> > NOAA or some agency (don't know which) to map the MUF. And of course
> > there are many sources of pure garbage, such as those described by Jim
> > W0EB in his interesting post.
> >
> > There are also innumerable sources of non-sweeping junk being radiated
> > throughout the spectrum. I guess somebody knows what it all is, but I
> > sure don't. One of the most irritating appears as a bunch of
> > closely-spaced carriers that show up on the spectrum as a hump-shaped
> > series of vertical lines, and sounds like a table-saw. I see this at
> > various times and places on all bands. At my QTH one of these seems to
> > come on whenever there's juicy but weak DX on 30 meters.
> >
> > Tony KT0NY
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
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