Snort!  Your "observations," are as anecdotal as can be and.....continue to 
make my point --- a point that was started when I sent out the reply: If - IF - 
 they can produce a similar product at a reduced cost, including the absurdity 
of the current add on costs that Elecraft charges, good for them! 
 I also stated that I "hope they are successful - "successful" meaning their 
version offers like functions and specifications, at a reduced cost!"  If, I 
repeat, IF those specifications include a Ps as far as the rig remaining 
operational over some lonnnnnng period of time - saaaaaaay, .95 or .98 or 
whatever "high value of reliability you want to instill on an Elecraft 
product," then I hope this Chinese company can turn out a product that's as 
Sheesh - I can see the "Elecraft faithful" are out in droves today!
Cinching up my flameproof suit even tighter.....72, Jim R. K9JWV



> Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 15:47:50 -0400
> From:
> To:
> CC:;;; 
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] [QRP-L] The Chinese KX3
> <snip>
> If Elecraft service is so damn good, tell me how reliable their product is? 
> Or are you talking about marketing/sales service vice product supportability 
> service??
> <snip>
> Elecraft's gear is fabulously reliable. It's a safe (but unscientifically 
> generated statistic) bet that 70-80% of the issues/problems reported on this 
> forum are user error or lack of knowledge/understanding about the rig. Of the 
> remaining 20%, a large majority of the issues that are actual issues get 
> corrected rapidly in firmware. The remaining are handled as quickly as the 
> folks in Aptos, and elsewhere, can handle them.
> Remember, none of the percentages provided above are in any way 
> statistically/scientifically generated. They are my observations from roughly 
> one year on this, and other, reflector. And, yes, I drank the Kool-Aid 
> willingly and whole-heartedly. ;-)
> 73,
> --Ian
> Ian Kahn, KM4IK
> Roswell, GA
> K3 #281, P3 #688
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