By codecs, I mean the input and output sound cards you are using.

My guess is that if you don't have enough output to trip the 
K3's VOX, you probably will have trouble reaching full output power.

I can usually find some PSK types at 14.070 which might be a 
good receive test for you.

The very top window is the waterfall. It is adjustable to be 
either 2KHz or 4Khz wide. The next window is the secondary 
receiver and the next is the primary receiver. The two receivers 
can be swapped using the "Xcvr1/Xcvr2" control in the lower 
left. The receiver on the bottom controls the transmit 
frequency. The very bottom window is the composition window for 
your transmissions. What you type appears here. If you press the 
"Transmit" button it will be sent.

The receive frequency can be adjusted using the arrow keys. 
These adjustments will not affect the transmit frequency, unlike 
clicking on the waterfall which will change both frequencies. 
Hold down the "apple" key to use the arrow keys on Xcvr1. Add 
the Control key to change Xcvr2. Clicking with Control down 
changes Xcvr2's frequency.

What I usually do during a QSO is use the upper Xcvr to 
auto-tune the other station which keeps my transmit frequency 
constant so we don't "walk the band".

There are macro buttons across the bottom which can make 
operation easier. I always copy the other station's call into 
the "Call" window at the bottom so I can use my "init-Call" 
macro -- "%[tx]%C %C %C de %c %c %c KN\n%[rx]" -- to try to 
respond to his call without having to type it correctly hihi. 
This macro turns on transmit (%[tx]), sends his call 3 times 
(%C), sends mine 3 times (%c) and returns to receive (%[rx]). My 
call is set in the User Info window where I can add /P for 
portable or /1 when in New Hampshire.

Cheers - Bill, AE6JV

On 5/4/12 at 5:42, (Mike) wrote:

>LOL Yeah, got the activate button. What do you mean by codecs? 
>Setting I/O to the iMic?
>It shows in the dialogs, and is selected.
>Tx is OK now, the level wasn't high enough to trip the VOX. I 
>heartily dislike VOX!
>I'm getting an indication on all the receive indicators. As 
>luck would have it, apparently all the RTTY ops are taking the 
>day off, except for one that went QRT as soon as I found his signal.
>Now the challenge is finding the window that shows and takes he 
>text. After that, I'll try it from both the logging programs.
Bill Frantz        |"After all, if the conventional wisdom was 
working, the
408-356-8506       | rate of systems being compromised would be 
going down, | wouldn't it?" -- Marcus Ranum

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