Win-Test is my choice for contesting. In the latest contest I used my KX3
(novelty value and wanted to try a conetst in QRP), and I missed the
automatic keying with DTR/CTS, but on the other hand had fun sending
everything with the paddles.

However, I think all of the programs you mention support the Win-Key keyer,
which also uses serial port commands and has a protocol where you can query
the buffer state and clear it.

I think (and this would be one for Wayne to answer) that it would be easy
enough to add a K(X)3 command in the firmware to allow you to query the
buffer state and/or stop sending the remaining buffer. If so, it would be
possible to add rig-controlled keying to these contest-loggers and/or write
a generic Win-Key emulator that would present as a virtual serial port and
handle the commands to the K(X)3. It would be great for the KX3 and even
for the K3 as the CTS/DTR keying has a severe disadvantage in that Windows
isn't a real-time operating system and sometimes the program will hang for
a few milliseconds, resulting in a dit turning into a dah (or a pause),
this could be avoided entirely by having the rig control the timing (as
with the Win-Keyer).

Wayne is probably extremely busy with KX3 stuff at the moment but an entry
on the TODO/IDEAS list would be appreciated ;)

73, Thomas M0TRN

On 9 August 2012 21:14, Joe Subich, W4TV <> wrote:

> For Windows contesting packages, they are in seniority order, Writelog,
> N1MM Logger and Win-Test.  There are several others that specialize in
> some areas - primarily a local language or support for a limited number
> of "local" contests - but the "big three" represent around 80% (my
> estimate) of total logs submitted using contest specific software.
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