In a message dated 10/1/2005 3:32:39 AM US Mountain Standard Time,  

Wondering if anyone has a CW filter or perhaps the "obf" filter kit for  
the FT 817 to sell,  if not where to buy?

I'd also like to  know your opinion on how  the 817 performs on CW , I'm 
a K2   user normally, :-)
Filters are available either from Yaesu or from International Radio.   Most 
seem to prefer the Inrad version.  I like the narrower filter myself,  but you 
can get one that is 500 hz if you prefer.
As to the rig itself, It's a great radio for many reasons, but it's no  K2!  
It's small and portable, which can be very handy.  It has  wideband receive, 
which is another good feature, but degrades the ham band  performance 
accordingly.  It doesn't have a built in ATU, but I understand  some are 
putting an Elecraft T1 inside--the T1, by the way, is an  excellent accessory 
for the 817--external or otherwise.  And, Elecraft  makes a cable 
specifically for the 817/T1 combination that allows you to have an  "autotune" 
You also get VHF band operation with the 817, which makes it a very good  
"all in one" radio.  QSK is marginal however, but acceptable.  The 817  is 
strictly a 5 watt radio.  The K2 allows you to squeeze another S unit if  
necessary, since it will go up to about 15 watts.  Some even  think the 817 
is too small, in that the controls are hard for big fingers to  manipulate.  
Personally, I don't consider the 817 to be an "alternative" to the  K2.  The 
K2 is just so much more radio on the HF bands.  The RX is  superb.  I don't 
even have DSP built into mine yet, but still it performs  beautifully.  But my 
817 is my "all in one" radio when I need that  particular group of features.  
So, if you only want to spring for one  radio, and "all in one" is important, 
you probably would prefer the 817.   But for real HF performance in a 
reasonably small package, the K2 is THE one to  have.
Dave W7AQK
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