Faith and Begorra! 

I hope yourself will be wearin' a bit o' the green and will be joining the rest 
of us fine Piggies for the March edition of the RFTB, this Sunday night - St. 
Paddy's Day.

Me darlin' mother-in-law, who was born and bred in Donegal explained to me that 
the American custom of eating corned beef and cabbage came about because the 
original Irish immigrants to these fine shores couldn't afford the traditional 
St. Paddy's Day meal - ham.  

HAM?!?  Why we'd be cannibals, we Piggies would be!

So join us for that friendly lil' ol' QRP Sprint sponsored by your friends at 
the Flying Pigs QRP Amateur Radio Club International.  Join us for a spell to 
have some fun and to say "Hi" to friends, old and new.

The time is the same as always:

East coast - 9:00 to 11:00 PM local time
Midwest - 8:00 to 10:00 PM local time
Rockies - 7:00 to 9:00 PM local time
West coast - 6:00 to 8:00 PM local time

The rules are at:

And to all Flying Pig members, this is a great opportunity to work a bunch of 
your fellow piggies and then enter your contacts into the WAP log.

Keep in mind to keep checking 7.030.7 MHz for those who are operating crystal 
controlled Pig Rigs.

And mind you, if you can't be wearin' a bit o' the green, then maybe you join 
us with a green pint in hand.  Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!

Erin go Bragh

73 de Larry W2LJ
FP# 612
QRP ARCI# 4488

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