Ron and All,

I think Ron's cautionary comments are right on! I remember a number of years back when the Kenwood TS-50 first came out. It didn't take long for the "tinkerers" to realize that the output transistors in that rig were very conservatively rated. It was often stated that they could probably run as much as two or three times the rating for the rig (100 watts). Sure enough, a bunch of folks started "hopping up" their TS-50's. Problem is, most of them forgot all about whether or not the output filters could handle that much extra power. Apparently they couldn't, because soon you started hearing a lot of sad stories.

Beefing up a K2 beyond it's design capability seems like pure foolishness to me--unless you want to basically redesign the whole rig! Besides, most 12 volt rigs have significant IMD issues when run much above the design limit. It doesn't take much either. The K3 runs pretty well at 100 watts, but at 110 watts (which is would do initially) it started getting dirty. I think they subsequently capped it at 100 watts via firmware.

A few more watts just isn't worth it---usually! If you want to boost your power, get an amp--even a small one. Or build one--there are a bunch of good designs around for simple and inexpensive amps . Why jeopardize a great rig like a K2 for a few more watts?

Dave W7AQK

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