Good Morning All,

I can't explain the problem, and maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. However, in recent years it has become pretty obvious to me that microprocessors are pretty finicky! All the devices we use these days that have microprocessors seem to periodically get hung up due to even a small spike in voltage, or whatever. More often than not, disconnecting everything, and probably doing a complete power down, seems to cure it. I've had to do that with routers, cell phones, satellite receivers, computers, etc., etc. Every so often I have to do it with the K3 as well. So, anymore when something quits working correctly, the first thing I do is a complete power disconnect--even removing batteries is sometimes the answer. Interconnecting cables may need to be unhooked as well because they also may have some small voltage passing through them. Anyway, if something quits working, give this a try first. It may save you from having to have a conversation with India!

Dave W7AQK

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