There is one very simple solution to greatly improve the stability of any VFO: blowing air over the equipment case. It's not obvious, but by keeping the case cool, you keep air inside the case close to ambient temperature. The stability gain can be incredible--around an order of magnitude. I like to think it also reduces the chance of component failure due to to heat.

You can place the fan on a stand behind or next to the transceiver to blow over the top. I place the fan right on the top, horizontally, raised with spacers in each of the fan's mounting holes. (No holes in the case--just gravity holding the fan.) I drop the voltage to the fan to about 50% to 75% to keep it quiet.

I've not tried this with a K1, but it sure works with other transceivers.

Dick, K0KK

On Dec 19, 2005, at 4:31 PM, Mike Morrow wrote:

But returning back to the original question, I'd say that if anyone finds something simple that improves the already excellent stability of the K1 VFO, I'd certainly be interested in hearing about it. Happy experimenting!

Mike / KK5F

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