
The answer turned out to be very simple. I loosened all the chassis screws in the assembly to date. which gave enough movement in the boards particularly the RF board, to allow the screws fixing the Control Board to be tightened easily. I then tightened all the remaining chassis screws again and everything tests ok.

Yes, I did check all boards again for any suspect joints.

Thanks to Don, Matt, Vic, and all..
On with the next stage !!

Kev  VK5KS

On 29/09/2014 1:51 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:

That is "telling" that you have not truly flush trimmed the lead on the encoder board and the area of the control board where it makes potential contact. There is not a lot of space for error there.

Flush trimmed means really flush with the board thickness. Solder that protrudes from the board surface is too much.

you may do well by putting an insulating substance such as a layer of electrical tape over the encoder board after flush trimming it.


On 9/28/2014 10:14 PM, Kevin Schache wrote:

Many thanks to Don and others who responded.
The problem has been fixed, I found a suspect dry joint on the PTT/ATT switch. I also checked the new encoder which appeared ok but I did insert a very thin piece of insulation between the new encoder and the control board to make sure.

All tests now appear ok UNTIL I re-insert and tighten the two holding screws in the Control Board. When these are tightened, the control board is pulled about 1/8th inch toward front panel, probably stressing both boards, causing the display to be erratic (ELICRAFT instead of ELECRAFT for example), and erratic other test results. Stressing the boards may be causing movement in sockets where they are used.

Does it matter if I leave those two screws out?
Another option would be to put in longer screws and not tighten them so much, or perhaps a better suggestion maybe to increase the spacer length marginally, so that there is no stressing.

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