For sale:  Kent-Two straight key / paddle combo.  1 Day old, minimal
use.  $131 new cost, sell for $108 delivered con-us.  E-mail directly
to:  kd1e (at) adelphia (dot) net

It arrived, I tried it, still prefer my old stuff.


My Kent-Two arrived yesterday.  It is a nice unit.  A bit bigger than my
Kent paddles.  The paddle section is the same as my paddles.  The
straight key is a nicely made brass unit with smooth (very smooth)
bearings at the pivot point.  There is no slop or side play in this
baby.  Nice!

Well, I played with it last night.  I hooked up the straight key and
keyed the rig into a dummy load.  I went back & forth between the Kent
and the Nye Master key.  Much to my dismay, I found I prefer the squishy
but almost silent action of the Nye.  The Kent was too crisp and snappy
for me, much like the Speed-X key I just sold.  I did not even hook up
the paddles since I already have a set and know I love them.

Since I use my left hand for paddles and my right for a straight key, I
put the Kent Two on the left and tried straight key sending with my arm
across the desk.  I can do it, but I prefer to have the key on the
right.  If I stay with the Kent-Two, I'll have to move it back and
forth.  What a pain that will be.

- Keith - 
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