Ken and all,

Forget about Ed's prowess in ham radio! Let's talk about something really important--like those wines he makes, for example!!! Just kidding! Ed's accomplishments are almost legendary.

I don't know Ed personally, though, and I wasn't aware of his involvement in the wine industry. When I read that I thought "this guy really has his priorities right"! Hi. I couldn't help but reminisce about another old ham friend of mine from some 40 years back--Em Brakensiek, WA6OCT. Unfortunately, I lost contact with Em when he had to move around and into assisted care facilities, but we used to talk almost daily. I'm sure he is SK now, and probably has been for some time. Anyway, Em was also a wine maker, but at the other end of the spectrum from Ed. Em made his own stuff, and was only somewhat proud of it. He also ran a gift shop/printing shop combination, and so he printed up his own "private brand" labels for his homebrewed wine. Being a very self deprecating fellow, the name he chose was "Chateau Garbage' ", pronounced, of course, with a nice French flavor on the last syllable. What a guy! I miss him.

Dave W7AQK

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