As the new owner/builder of K1 #2092, I've been reading the mail 
here for awhile and want to pass along my compliments on the handling of this 
forum and my delight in discovering a great group of true hams.

            At age 63, I have 50 years of ham radio behind me and admit that up 
until a few months ago I was suffering burnout, very disappointed in the 
direction our hobby appeared to be headed. I felt the heart and soul of our 
pursuits were being left behind, that few were continuing the experimentation 
and construction so necessary to ham radio's growth and prosperity.

            I am so very pleased to find I was wrong. The vitality of ham radio 
is alive and strong within this fine group of Elecraft users. The brotherhood 
of sharing knowledge and troubleshooting skills, plus the challenge of QRP 
operating, is to be cherished and nurtured, and you all are doing a wonderful 
job of it.

            Like many of you, I've worked hard at self-educating myself with 
all the changes in electronics over the years, starting with vacuum tube 
equipment and graduating to construction of solid-state equipment. Most of this 
took the form of scratch-built test gear and QRP transmitters and receivers. 
Heathkit also was a big help in the past, particularly the HW-8, but nothing 
like it came along to fill the void until the creators of the Elecraft products 
burst upon the scene. Talk about a giant step forward in quality! The Elecraft 
team's combination of fine design, solid documentation, and immediate, friendly 
support has truly rekindled the fire in me to plunge headfirst right back into 
the wonders of ham radio.

            Reading all the discussions and following the threads on this forum 
has confirmed for me that I simply must purchase and assemble more of these 
great products, just as so many of you have done.  If they are anywhere near as 
satisfying to operate as the little K1, I'm going to be in ham heaven the rest 
of my days.

            Thanks to you all for reaffirming my faith in this hobby, and for 
being the heart and soul of ham radio I thought had slowly faded away. I see a 
K2 kit looming on the horizon J

            73, Dale

            K6PJV, Sacramento, CA.
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