Congratulations Jo!

The only comment I can make is that I don't know if it is a good idea to put your K2 on Top of the kenwood...for two reasons....

!)  Heat...will it get too hot there?


2) embarrassment. Won't the Kenwood just die of embarrassment when it hears how much better the K2 works? :-)

73 and welcome to Elecraft world.

Dave, K4TO

jo benoit wrote:
hello elecrafters,
I ordered my K2 kit on dec 3th
it was sent off to me on dec 4 th
I had to wait till dec 27th for it to arrive here
because it was held up in customs. Had to pay 21% VAT
and 5% income tax.
But in the meantime, I had a lot of time to browse the
email reflector archive, and this was very helpful and
The kit was fun to assemble.
I liked very much :
- the manual is very well layed out.
- the resistors in order of use.
- the modular system.
- the built in freq. counter and voltmeter.
- the milimeters between brackets where inches are
- the finger dimple ( I ordered a second one for my
TS-850 ..)
- Allignment was easy with the Xg2 signal generator
and N-gen and the spectrogram software.
- I did a complete inventory before I started and I
was glad I did.
- the way the construction is split up in phases , and
you can test parts before everything is finished.
- The result is really fantastic: stable and relyable
tx and very good rx...
The pitch is set to 580Hz which is near enough to a D.
My guitar tuner is used as a help for zero beat. I
find it difficult to zero beat with the spot function.

The main Tuning knob is OK with the finger dimple, but
still a bit going up and down,  I think the hole is
too large for the shaft, and this gives a bit of

I didn't use the tilt bar, the K2 is on top of my
TS850S which is already tilted.
The fast rate is far too fast for me , I would have
prefered 200steps and not 100.

I miss a built-in SWR meter but no problem, I had one
on the shelf so put it back to use.

My first qso was with IZ0DQZ/qrp on 14 mc.

I have been building many kits. I have been a ham
since 1965 , and this is the best kit I ever built. Thanks and 73 to all , looking forward to meeting you
on the air.
joe on5ao K2#5237

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