Keith wrote:

Hmmm, Now hold on there Ron :-) 

I figure, the K1 and K2, both coming from Elecraft, will have a similar
operating feel. Small size, menu driven who knows what else.  It will be
quite a shift from my big Omni V, right?

I used to have a Corsair II.  Prior to that I had an Omni D.  I now have the
Omni V.  All 3 are different radios, yet they are distinctively TenTec and
owning any of them will give you a taste of TT.  No, owning an Omni D will
not tell you whether or not you'd like an Omni V, but it puts you much
closer than owning a TS-430s :-)

So, I guess I hear what you're saying but I still think there is something
of Elecraft to be learned by owning a K1 and some of those lessons can be
applied to the K2.

Of course, as always, I reserve the right to be totally WRONG :-)  LOL!!

Good points Keith:

I wouldn't say that your experience comparing Elecraft rigs would be at all
like comparing Ten-Tec rigs. It is true that both the K1 and K2 use a menu.
That's like saying a pickup truck and a town car both have steering wheels
similar instruments on the dashboard. Still, a K1 might be the right rig for
you today. Let me explain:

Electronically, the K2 is very much different from a K1, and those
differences show up in use. It uses an optical encoder tuning control
controlling a special type of phase-locked loop for the receiver local
oscillator instead of a multi-turn pot driving a simple L/C oscillator. It
has more extensive filtering for superior performance in crowded band
conditions and can be extended to cover 160 meters (and 60 meters) with a
few inexpensive add-on modules. The K2 has excellent I.F. derived AGC that
gives it superior QSK on CW, something that K1 with its audio-derived AGC
can't match. I'm sure others could add a huge list of differences. 

That said, the K1 is a nice rig, it's just not designed to compete with
toe-to-toe with other high-performance rigs designed for home station use.
The K2 is designed to do just that, and many independent reviews back up
that comparison.

What you'll get with the K1 is a very efficient and effective rig designed
for portable QRP use that covers up to four bands and is very easy on
batteries. Sure, many operators use their K1's at home too and they're quite
happy with them, but it would be unfair to compare a K1 to most rigs
designed for home station use, including any of the Ten-Tec rigs. 

No matter which rig you buy, you will learn about the excellent attention to
detail the Elecraft folks give their rigs, the kits, the documentation
(which I'm often involved in so I am not unbiased here) and probably most
obvious of all, their world-class customer support starting with Gary at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and the gang on this reflector. 

But there's probably a more important issue here than features or

I read about a lot of Hams having to sneak a piece of gear past the XYL or
having to talk the XYL into allowing them to spend the money. Those stories
make me very sad because I see them often enough to realize that at least
some of them are true. 

I believe that Ham radio should enhance a marriage, not create stress in the
relationship, just as Ham radio should enhance one's individual life, not
create problems within it. So if a K2 is not in your budget and a K1 is, go
for the K1 and have a ball. Nothing else matters. 

If the day comes that you want to move "up" to a K2, you'll find someone
ready to take the K1 off of your hands at a fair price, if the experiences
of others reported here are any indication. 


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