
You are correct, the K160RX should take you only about 2 or 3 hours total
depending on how proficient you are at removing the heat sink from the PA

(Tongue planted firmly in cheek)
You might want to make a major mechanical job out of attaching the BNC
connector the rear panel - you could work like a person who is 'all thumbs'
and take quite a long while geting the hex nut started straight on the
connector body threads or something like that <G> - little efforts like that
can increase your build time considerably (assuming that is a worthy goal).

(Tongue normal)
Have a great time installing the rest of your preferred K2 options, and then
enjoy operating it.  We all must take a break from the build process at one
time or another (at least my wife says that should be true!!!).

You could always buy another K2 and start over.


> -----Original Message-----
> I just finished building and installing the KNB2 andK60XV option
> boards.  As
> usual with Elecraft it all went together FB and runs as advertised with no
> problems.  I do have two complaints, however.
> 1. The K60XV has no toroids!  What kind of Elecraft kit is it with no
> toroids to wind?  Where's the fun in that?
> 2. For 120 bucks or so you only get two to three evenings of building fun.
> And that's stretching it, going as slowly as I could.  Now what
> do I build?
> The only option left is the 160m board and that doesn't look like it would
> take very long to build.
> Help.
> Craig
> K2 #4790 KSB2, KDSP2, KAF2, KNB2, KX60V, KPA100, KAT100, KAT2, UnPCB's
> I guess a KX1 is next.

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