Stephanie, VA3UXB wrote:
I noticed on the Elecraft website, that both the K1 and K2  
specifications use the term "SWR-protected" in the description of the  
PA transistors.

What does this mean, exactly?  If the K1 or K2 is presented with high  
SWR, will the radio shut down or shut off or unkey or something?


I just had that experience with my K2/100 last night, Stephanie. 

I was chatting with a station on 80 meter CW, running 100 watts, when I
noticed the power output go to zero. I still had sidetone as I keyed, just
no RF output. 

Now, in six years of operation with K2 S/N1289, I've never seen a burble.
Power was still on, but output was zero. I applied "immediate action". In
the Army that means kick the [EMAIL PROTECTED] out of your weapon when it jams 
in the
middle of battle. On the K2 I was a little less violent: I cycled the power
off then on again. Keyed the rig and RF output was back and normal. Hmmmm...
"red flag".... But it keyed FB and I apologized for the break to the other
guy and continued with the QSO.  

A minute or two later it happened again. Cycled power again. Now I'm
wondering if the Astron supply is dying. 

A minute or so later it happened again. This time I caught a glimpse of "HI
REFL..." on the LCD and notice my external SWR meter jump too. So I signed
and investigated. 

I had been swapping cables around and the antenna cable to my external ATU
was loose and making intermittent connection. When it would break
connection, the SWR went "through the roof" at full power and the 100 watt
amp shut down automatically without damage. Tightening the connector fixed
the problem. 


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