Good Evening,
Forty meters was interesting just now. Tom was good copy before the net and then got weaker. Next check in was Ric from Ontario. Lately I've needed a relay to copy him. Tom tried next to no avail. I think his radio wave was dropping well into the Pacific and the Atlantic. Next I found a stray in Lousiana who came and then disappeared. Lastly I worked Lloyd in Maryland. I think my next station would have been in Europe by the way the band was changing! I went back to Tom only to get a 229 out of him before we exchanged goodbyes and he faded away. However, 20 meters netted us 15 check ins split almost evenly between Tom and I. There may have been a relay into Tom but I could not hear all the activity going on at his end. When he turned his beam sideways to me he almost disappeared. None the less it was fun to hear you all. Sounds like we are having a mild winter this year. Especially Rick's report from Phoenix :) Enough palaver, on to the lists.

On 14050 kHz at 2250z:
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
K2HYD - Ray - VA - KX1 - 608
K4BEH - Pat - GA - K2 - 5061
KL7CW - Rick - AZ - KX1 - 798  Vacationing in sunny Phoenix
KH6NO/M/W7 - Willie - NV - K2 - 1593   Wins longest callsign award ;)
W1EUY - Dave - MA - K2 - 744
WU7R - Ci - MT - K2 - 4615
NN8K - Sonny - WV - K1 - 380
W4KD - Dave - FL - ?? - ??
NK6A - Don - CA - K2 - 1217
WA5ZNU - Leigh - CA - K2 - 3121
WB6KWT - Bob - CA - ?? - ??
W0QQS - Bruce - WI (I think) - K2 - 3646
KB0FB - Carl - IA - K1 - 2126
AB0JB - Don - CO - ?? - ??

On 7045 kHz at 0150z:
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008  QNI #125!!   Thanks for your help Tom.
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968   Great signal tonight!
K1DW - Dallas - LA - ?? - ?? Fought for his call and then he faded out again.
K3ESE - Lloyd - MD - K2 - 4442   Very good signal tonight.

Where would the next station have popped up? Oh well, I called CQ a number of times but no reponse. Maybe in thirty minutes or so the band would have landed in the Azores or even Scotland. Currently (0252z) there is a strong CQ sig from KA0JNG. Looks like forty meters may be interesting this evening. Not too much noise either. Good DX folks!

Somewhere or another between the two nets I split my thumb. Makes the dit paddle very slippery! Also made me flinch when I was forming characters. Not a happy state of affairs. I even used Ms. P's Nivea enriched hand stuff too. Maybe another application later will make coding and drafting less painless tomorrow. Oh and SPICE modelling too :)

Thank you all for joining us and testing propagation. I need to work on my N-S antenna so I can work the folks down the coast better. However, looks like I would have been working Baja or Polynesia on 40 or maybe even Nunavut. As ever, if there are any errors or fills on the above lists do not hesitate to email me with the corrections. I'll add them to the database and mirror them here.

Until next week,
    Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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