On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 2:50 PM, Greg <n...@windstream.net> wrote:


A larger cabinet would allow bandswitch buttons labeled as such and
> a larger cabinet would give more working space on the rear.  (With the
> preamp, KPA500, KAT500, RTTY, external keyer, etc, the back on the K3
> becomes a real kluge.)  A radio designed to be more "fixed station" could
> also have the power supply built in and perhaps even have 150 - 200 watt
> capability.  The P3 could be built in as well.  The display on an IC7800 is
> really nice (in my opinion)...Elecraft could do something of similar
> quality.

The one feature I miss the most is having a button for each band.  In my
previous Yaesu rig, each band button had two settings, push once for your
favorite CW settings and freq, and again for SSB.  I use HRD macros for
that now, but I really don't like to use the computer to push buttons on my
radio.  I could see a single additional button, a toggle function, which
changed the personality of the keypad to make them band buttons. Toggle
again, back to normal functionality for those buttons. Hey, and there's
room for that button right next to the CLR button.  Just saying... ;)

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