There's an old chap in my local club, CW demon, able to hold 2 CW QSOs
on 2 rigs and chat to someone in the shack simultaneously. Recently been
quite frail after a collapsed lung, and I was visiting him to mend his
antennas for him. He has a K2, with which he's won all sorts of QRP
awards and contests for himself and the club. He was mentioning that his
KIO2 doesn't work any more.

Turns out he's used a standard serial cable with it. He doesn't seem to
have toasted his PC, because he can still control his other rig(s), but
I suspect he's toasted the KIO2.

What are the components that are likely to need replacing? I'll add them
to my inevitable next Elecraft order for him.

"Nosey" Nick Waterman, G7RZQ, K2 #5209.
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