
Magloops have a VERY narrow bandwidth and putting RF power into them can cause significant damage if the ANTENNA is not tuned. Plus you'd be experiencing significant line loss on your feed if the SWR wasn't right. That's two major drawbacks of your plan.

I would suggest that bypassing the KAT100 and tuning only with the controls for the magloop is a far better way to go. A mistuned magloop will also show substantial LOSS at the desired frequency so all tuning should happen at the antenna for best operations. First peak the receiver noise as you adjust the antenna controls, then apply only enough power to get a response from the SWR meter (say 5-10 watts); fine tune the antenna controls for a good match. Do NOT use the tuner in the radio.

I was given one, have tried it and frankly I'm unimpressed with the operation and performance. I was hoping for better as it would make a nice RV antenna, but a dipole works MUCH better. If it is all one can manage (HOA or lot limitations), it works but it is so narrow that typical S&P ops are rather challenging, you're never tuned for that new frequency. As one that changes bands often and quickly, it would severely hamper how I operate. Tuning requires patience and time on the lower bands, even a 20 KHz frequency change requires retuning.

But the bottom line is that in this case you must tune the ANTENNA, not match it externally. Good luck!

Rick wa6nhc

On 11/30/2015 11:20 AM, Brian - N5BCN via Elecraft wrote:
I've recently acquired a magloop that will be used with a K2/KPA100/KAT100
and I wanted to double check my tuning procedure.

My plan was to tune the KAT100 into a dummy load (ATU in AUTO mode) and then
place the ATU into SWR (x.x-1) mode.  Then use the TUNE button on the K2 to
tune the loop to resonance, then operate.  Repeat for any band changes or
when encountering significant SWR.

Does this sound reasonable or am I missing a step or two?

Brian, N5BCN

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