Please forgive non Elecraft submission, but I have exhausted other means of 
help.  Fluke was no help whatsoever.  The meter is +15 yrs old and parts hard 
to find.
Through a dumb operator error, I blew the 1 k, 2 watt fusible resistor, and 
need another one.  I am using a 1 k, 2 watt plain resistor now, with no 
overload protection.   I do not know the value of the fusible feature.  Does 
anyone have an idea on this?  Maybe I could put a fuse in series with the plain 
resistor, if I knew what value to use.  The Fluke manual does not specify fuse 
Anyone know of a source for this part?  I love this fine old meter, and would 
love to fix it properly. 
73 from George, n4ym
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