I was thinking about Tom's (K2TA) suggestion about using a K1-9 over a K2.
For battery operation, I might agree.  The K1 and the KX1 are more
battery-friendly and really work well.  

For portable operation where an AC outlet is available, I think some of the
features of the K2 are so incredibly nice that I would not want to give them
up if I didn't have to. I have been having a lot of fun operating from a
kitchen table from a weekend house with a small switching supply.

Features that I really like that are slightly unusual on a small, portable
QRP rig:

RF Gain control.
Keyer speed knob (with display of speed as knob is turned - I use this
constantly to adjust to the other person's speed).
Front panel power output adjustment (I use this often).
The wider matching range of the KAT2 (helps with a 40m dipole fed with 300
ohm twinlead on some bands).
Built-in speaker (although I mainly use headphones).
Variable sidetone level and frequency with synchronous TX offset (I like to
change these and they are PF1 and PF2).
IF and AF filters (although I don't have the KAF2 yet).
6-digit frequency display (the KX1 is OK but the labels around certain push
button switches like the one to display all of the frequency digits are
starting to smear due to fingers touching them).
10W maximum output (No problem with an AC outlet nearby).
All 9 bands and the tuner remembers the settings on each band (Incredibly
convenient for a CF Zepp kind of antenna).
Hi-performance receiver (diode mixer and post-mixer amplifier etc.).
Backlit LCD (that can be turned off).
Reasonable receive current drain when battery operation is desired (150mA in
the battery-saver mode)

Not many radios have ALL of these features in one small box.

I also have a KX1 so I have a frame of reference for making a comparison.

My K2 wish list:

Balanced auto tuner (at least one for 150W). I prefer balanced antennas and
balanced tuners and use a Johnson Matchbox at home except for 160m where I
use a Drake MN75 and a BL2.  In the field I use a BL1 after the KAT2.

72,  John W2XS
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