Actually, I am quite happy with my K1 tuning.  It is the one area where I
like the K1 better than the K2.  I like the smooth,  analog tuning of the
K1. I replaced the  original multiturn pot with the metal shaft one that Don
Brown recommended.  The tuning is the same, though.  It just gives the
tuning knob a nicer feel without the wobble.   I would like the K2 better if
it had a one speed analog VFO, thus my comment about building a VFO to use
with the K2. Rick - K7MW
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron D'Eau Claire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Rick Dettinger'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:01 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K2 v. K1

I assume you are saying that you'd like to have a smoother VFO for the local
oscillator in your K1!

The K2 does NOT use a "multiturn pot" for the VFO. A K1 does. The K1 is a
totally different rig. The K2 uses a high-quality optical encoder for the
main tuning.


-----Original Message-----

Ron, AC7AC, said:
The K2 does this by using a
PLL that tunes in about 5 kHz "steps" and then varies the PLL reference
oscillator's frequency to tune smoothly in between those steps. So the
tuning has the true smooth feel and spectral purity .
I say:
When I tune my K2 past a signal, I can hear the steps.  I also sometimes
think I can hear steps when I tune my K1 thru a signal.  I assumed that this
is due to the nature of the multiturn pot.  I think it is wire wound and
that the wiper cuts the wire turns  suddenly.  It could also be due to jerky
tuning , in spite of efforts to the contrary.  It is very subtle, unlike the
K2.   Give me a smooth PTO with the K2 signal path.   My long term idea is
to build a stable analog VFO, using my Sierra band modules for premixing, to
drive my K2.    Rick - K7MW

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