Hi all

I finished building K2 s/n 5361 yesterday and managed to align it per the specs 
in the manual.
First tests (RX only) showed a wonderfully quiet receiver with "good ears". TX 
is well within specs.
Encouraged by the FB results I started constructing the 160m extension today. 
No worries during assembly as far as I could see.
Then, after having installed the 160m PCB into the K2 I started the alignment 
procedure.With 2W out all was OK both on 160 and 80m, no problems peaking 
output power to about 2,5W. However, when I try to crank the output power up to 
10W as per the instructions on p9 of the installation manual, I am unable to 
get more than 5W output on 160m. 80m is OK.
I have tried the alternative frequencies for peaking. 2W out is OK all the 
time, but no more than 5W when I should be reading 10W out. Cal Cur is set at 
3.50A. Checked all solder joints, toroid winding numbers, what have you.

Any ideas?

Tnx fer all input

73 de ON4WIX Glenn
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