As a newbee - I see a wealth of information about Elecraft products,
on this "list".   Unless I'm missing something - this "list" isn't the
easiest forum I've used.  It seems to be reliant on our personal
email systems - with little more than an "email checker" for incoming
posts.  Or am I missing something?

There seems to be no way of posting anything, or easily responding
to a previous post - short of sending that poster an email.  How "replies"
get linked to previous posts isn't explained.

I suspect I'll get used to using it - but there are much more
modern FORUMS BB's out there - which categorize posts,
and all that.

Elecraft makes a great product.  I'm probably the most recent 
K2 owner - of kit # 5422.  And I haven't fired up the soldering
iron yet - still reading and checking and aligning my ducks up.

Fred N3CSY
Spring Hill, FL

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