Being there is no better place to get advice than this reflector, I am seeking 
your recommendation.  I have an Elecraft K3, P3, KAT500 & KPA500.

I want to operate somewhat portable with the K3, P3, monitor and laptop, 
buddipole on SSB and digital modes on Field day, and demonstrations on outings 
to community events (like festivals, etc).  My options, I’m considering are:

1) Honda 2000i gasoline generator
2) Yamaha EF2000iSV2 (with propane option)

1) Deep Cell 12v 100amp battery (brand, model, control charger?)
2) Lipo battery (brand, model, control charger?)
2) appropriate solar power panels and controller charge for either of the above 
battery (brand, model, adapters?)

My questions:
 1) Is it best to go with the generator option; and if so, which of the two 
choices above?  Any outstanding reason for this option, and choice of the two?
 2) Is it best to go with the Battery, and solar option; why? Is there reason 
to choose the Lipo over the Deep Cell batteries? I am concerned over the 
choices about battery voltages and amp’s needed to operate as stated above.

It’s noisy but the generator option seems on the surface much simpler for 
setup.  However, from the perspective of demonstration of Amateur Radio today, 
the solar and battery option appears to be more demonstrative of the state of 
Amateur Radio today.  Being 77 yrs old, I don’t want to get over my head in 
technology (though I love such).
Thanks for your thoughtful recommendations.
       Mike, N8TTR

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