Gets me out of the house, that’s for sure. I’ll be happy to send you the new 


> On Sep 11, 2017, at 12:47 PM, Howard Hoyt [KX3] 
> <> wrote:
> Wayne,
> That is just plain cool, kudos!
> Howie - WA4PSC
> On 9/11/2017 2:27 PM, Wayne Burdick [KX3] wrote:
>> Use of an HF radio while walking, or at least while standing (perhaps taking 
>> in a view of the great outdoors), is generally referred to as “pedestrian 
>> mobile.” Some operators even add /PM to identify as such.
>> Two common forms of pedestrian mobile operation include:
>> 1. HF Pack: This usually implies a radio carried in such a way that the 
>> front panel can be used and the display viewed at all times. Often a 
>> substantial antenna is used, as well as a large battery. This style of 
>> operation may require a specialized backpack and other hardware, and is 
>> reminiscent of military field communications.
>> 2. HT-Style: This is as simple as it gets. Attach a whip antenna to your 
>> hand-held radio (e.g., KX2 or KX3), connect a trailing ground wire, and off 
>> you go.
>> I’m interested in a third form that’s somewhere in between the two:
>> 3. HF Pack Lite
>> This is similar to HF Pack, in that the radio is worn in some fashion, but 
>> it’s optimized for light weight and simplicity. For example, it might 
>> involve:
>> - placing the radio inside a small day pack, sling, or waist pack
>> - using the radio’s own internal battery
>> - a very lightweight antenna, such as a telescoping or flexible whip
>> - simplified user interface, with just essential controls
>> Combining all of the above, you get a minimalist station that allows for a 
>> lot more freedom of movement and won’t wear you out because it’s so 
>> lightweight. HF Pack Lite is also ideal for those (like me) who wish to 
>> remain under the radar during urban hiking.
>> I recently made progress on my own HF Pack Lite station that others may 
>> benefit from.
>> First, I found a great way to carry the KX2 or KX3: I’m now using a 
>> Patagonia Atom 8L Sling, purchased at REI. This bag is very small, has an 
>> internal compartment for the radio, and has a zipper that allows the antenna 
>> to emerge at the top. Being a sling, it has roughly the aesthetics of a 
>> “quiver,” with a single strap you place over your neck and shoulder, like a 
>> camera bag. The only modification I made was to add a grommet at the bottom 
>> through which I pass the mic cable, earbud cable, and ground wire. I’m 
>> considering making a little harness for these to speed up connect/disconnect.
>> Next, I’m working on a firmware release that will allow extended radio 
>> control via the MH3’s UP/DN buttons. Initially this will be added to the 
>> KX2, then to the KX3 after field testing.
>> Here’s how it works:
>> Each time you press the mic’s UP and DN buttons together, you advance 
>> through a set of mic-based operating functions. At present, these include:
>> VFO control (default; this is what the UP/DN buttons already do)
>> Key (hand key or keyer paddle using UP/DN buttons)
>> Filter bandwidth (a few per-mode discrete selections)
>> AF gain
>> ATU tune
>> Band
>> Mode
>> Morse code audio feedback is used to report the selected function. If you go 
>> through the selections rapidly, the Morse characters are truncated, so with 
>> a little practice you can quickly navigate to the function you want. 
>> Functions are arranged from most often to least often used.
>> Other subtleties:
>> * Anytime PTT is pressed, the menu resets to VFO control (a safe default).
>> * Whenever the mic menu is used, all regular front-panel controls are locked 
>> out, preventing their accidental adjustment. (Thanks to Matt, W6NIA, for 
>> this suggestion.) All controls are unlocked if you power down and back up.
>> * A long hold of the UP/DN buttons puts the KX2 into a “standby” mode, at 
>> about half of its normal current drain. Another press of the UP/DN buttons 
>> restores normal operation.
>> I started testing this yesterday. The small sling pack is a joy to use 
>> compared to bulkier backpacks. It stays in place surprisingly well, and with 
>> just a KX2 (1 lb with internal battery), it’s easy to forget you’re wearing 
>> it. The mic controls are very intuitive in both CW and SSB modes. 
>> One thing I have yet to find is a 4 to 5 foot ultra-flexible whip to replace 
>> the MFJ-1820. Ideally it would cover multiple bands. The MFJ whip is light 
>> enough, but it doesn’t coexist well with trees and doorways, and it’s still 
>> a bit too obvious for my taste. (See “under the radar,” above.)
>> In short, HF Pack Lite is a great way to indulge in a bit of radio while 
>> burning some calories, birdwatching, sightseeing, or engaging in 
>> post-apocalyptic Neighborhood Watch.
>> Comments or suggestions welcome. 
>> 73,
>> Wayne
>> N6KR

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