Just finished Alignment Part II. Found a few more wiring errors in the process and fixed them. Really is sweet to actually listen to 40M. The sound is exceptionally clean. I've been listening to an old Heathkit regenerative receiver to practice code for license exam. Quite a change in quality now with the K2. I am using a multiband dipole, twin lead to balun and RG8U to K2. At first I thought it was too quiet. Then I turned on the PreAmp...still very clean yet seems very sensitive.

I almost want to take a break for a while before continuing the kit so I can listen some more (!)

I'm sure I'm not done with mistakes yet, but I want everyone to know that If I can do this kit, you can.

You've heard of Worked All States, I feel eligible for Replaced All Parts.

Broke a two pin connector, lost a few diodes...early in the kit, I soldered every electrolytic cap on the control board backwards,,,the big stripe MUST be plus, right? Yes, I AM an idiot. I'm learning, though. Getting better at desoldering (although I wish I didn't need to).

On the Alignment Part II, I just found that I soldered TWO IF transformers incorrectly... used the wrong ones! Of course, I had to break the IF's to remove them...board is OK, though. I did this after rechecking the directions TWICE... strange how you can convince yourself you're correct and miss something like this.

I feel very proud to have come this far. Now I can't wait to get on the air. It's only been 30 years.

I think Elecraft has an excellent product but the best part is the intangible sense of accomplishment that kit building brings.
Thanks Elecraft for keeping me on the right track.

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