Well said.

Over 100 of my 700 and growing FT8 contacts have been on 160.        OH NO!  Ham radio is doomed. <smirk>  It seems that FT8 users are about the only using the band.    I might have 3 DX contacts.  I am certain that 300 countries is going to be a long long adventure for FT8 on 160.  I doubt there will be an OT op still alive when or it if happens.


On 10/29/2017 5:19 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
On 10/29/2017 12:21 PM, Bill Frantz wrote:
Agreed, those bands have nice ops. 160M, the gentleman's band, also deserves it's name. CW and digital are ways to avoid many of the (censored) ops.

While the OT CW ops on 160 still think it's the gentleman's band, a recent long thread on the Topband reflector has proved that to be dead wrong. The topic was the invasion of 160M by WSJT modes in the form of FT8. It doesn't seem to matter that the mode takes up only about 2 kHz, it's simply that it's not CW!

Bear in mind that these are guys who never call CQ, never answer a CQ unless it's a new entity, and many of them have some of the dirtiest CW rigs known to man. Far be it from them to respond to the weak CQ of a new CW op, who, after a few nights of this, gives up on the "gentleman's band."

By contrast, consider JT65 on 160M, which the "gentlemen" don't even know is there, but which on a typical evening last winter had 40 times more activity than CW (on a typical night, I rarely saw more than a single CW signal on my P3, and a few SSB ragchews. Except for occasional contests, CW on 160 is almost non-existent!

Last season, beginning in late Nov, I started monitoring JT65 on 160, hoping to work WV, SC, and VT, the last three states I need for CW QRP on that band. Within a few weeks, a sked yielded WV. Over the next few months, I let WSJT-X run all night and next morning, put the calls of all the stations I decoded into a spreadsheet. By the time I stopped doing that in early spring, I had logged more than 950 calls in all states except VT, most VE provinces, all continents except Antarctica, and about 20 countries. On a typical night I logged more than 50 stations.

The "gentlemen" most recently have gotten their tit in wringer about FT8. They feel that FT8 and JT65 devalues their 50+ years of DXCC chasing on the band, on CW, the only mode that real gentlemen operate, and ignoring the fact that some with the largest DXCC totals have achieved them by combining their operations from locations on the east coast and west of the Rockies. Earlier attempts to work RTTY on the band were pounded into oblivion.

73, Jim K9YC

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