Don (and others)

WWV provides a BCD subcarrier at 100Hz that is always present.  Using
HRD's PSK31 (it's free; thanks Simon!) it is a simple matter to adjust
the tuning to the proper frequency.

On Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:01:19 -0400, "Don Wilhelm"

>Thanks for posting this Tom.  It has since been written as an application
>note and is available on the Elecraft website in .pdf format - see
>I have only one thing to add and that is for us 'tone-deaf' folks tuning WWV
>precisely may be difficult (and the procedure does depend on precisely
>tuning WWV or other reference frequency) - I can get close by listening to
>the voice, but I may be as much as 100 Hz off.
>I connect the computer running Spectrogram and listen to the transmitted
>tones - WWV transmits 500 and 600 Hz tones on alternate minutes, and I look
>for these tones displayed on the Spectrogram screen - I set markers at 500
>Hz and 600 Hz - then adjust the tuning until the tones line up with the
>markers.  It is easy to get within 10 Hz this way.
>Another way is to use the SPOT to provide a reference tone - set the
>sidetone pitch at 500 or 600 Hz and tune the WWV tone for zero-beat with the
>SPOT tone.  Of course, if you zero with the 500 Hz tone thinking it was the
>600 Hz one, you will be 100 Hz off, but listening for a short while will
>quickly indicate this error.
>There are other accurate ways of setting the 4 MHz master oscillator, and
>some are contained in the K2 Dial Calibration article on my website

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