And before that we used CW.  I built a keyer/sequencer (still have it in storage) that used an Accu-Memory board with a lot of peripheral CMOS to automate the station sequencing.

I counted down the 60 Hz to generate timing, either 15 sec or 2 min depending on mode.  This started the changer over sequence and the memory playback.  However, the generated CW was run through a shift register (FIFO) with a variable speed clock that determined the TX delay, allowing the various stuff to accomplish their missions. Some retriggerable one-shots held things in the correct states until the message ended and the sequence reversed.

I ran an 8877 and GaAs FET preamp at the antenna and never had a failure except when I rushed to get on FM using a multimode (non-sequenced) rig to work W5LFL.  I blew the antenna preamp and had to climb the tower to bypass it.  I still worked him, receiving the signal report, "N7WS 59, the loudest signal we've heard in the spacecraft."

Wes  N7WS

On 2/23/2018 1:12 PM, Edward R Cole wrote:
Guess its time for me to add a couple comments:

Before FT8, before HFers "discovered" JT65,etc., we moonbouncer's had been using JT-65 for nearly 15 years!

Joe Taylor-K1JT invented all these nice new digital modes which originally were designed for ms (meteor scatter) and eme (moonbounce).  Knowing ms and eme stations run QRO on VHF+ with low noise preamps, there was a need to delay the digital transmission so all the various relays and accessories were switched to transmit.  Typically that was 300msec (0.3 seconds). So the sw engages PTT and waits for everything to be ready before sending audio to the transmitter.

Now that "hot shot" HFers are wanting to "Hot switch" their gear a guess FT8 and WSJT-X versions have provided for user input on the delay length. <tongue in cheek - don't get upset>

Now you "know the rest of the story".

I use a USB/RS232 cable and key with DTR.  I couple audio input and output via two RS audio cables from my external soundcard (emu0202) to my 2010 K3 (4340).  I have computer generated audio turned off (no "you have mail" or internet beeps).  Besides, I have a separate computer for normal internet/e-mail, etc.  My dedicated ham radio computer is normally disconnected from internet and I keep computer time by use of a GPS dongle (I can restore internet for K3 fw upgrades).

73, Ed - KL7UW
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