I finally got a chance to try my KX1 on 80m last night. I've had the new 
KXB3080 installed for several weeks and did the resistor/L3 power mods, but 
haven't actually gotten on the air before now.

Late yesterday, about 2330 EDT I heard a weak station at around 3720. Zeroed 
him in with the K6XX tuning indicator, and replied to his call. He pause for a 
bit, then resumed calling CQ. Okay, I don't always get a reply -- my antenna is 
definitely not optimal for 80m, a 40m horizontal loop at about 20 ft, tuned 
with an externa tuner.

I then tuned up the band a few hundred hertz, and to my surprise found the same 
station calling at 599!! I answered him on this frequency, and we had a brief 
QSO. My report was not that great, 479/QRN and it turned out he was quite 
local, only about 30 miles away. A textbook example of NVIS I suppose, given my 

So what did I hear the first time? Could that have been some kind of image on 
the other sideband leaking through? Groundwave? (whatever that means...) This 
is sort of like low band crop circles.... ;-)

Anyway, the KXB3080 seems to be working fine, and I will check out the other 
bands over the next few days. The receiver in the KX1 seems better since I made 
the mods, but that could just be a result of better alignment than before.


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