Years ago, I was intelligent and believed that the specs on stereo gear
told the whole story.  One good power amp sounded the same as another
one.  Good enough was good enough, the human ear can't hear the
difference.  CD players all sound the same (perfect).  Tubes and SS
sound the same, all the hype is just marketing hype.

Then one day, I was in a stereo store, listening to some speakers.
Suddenly the sound changed a bit.  I asked the salesman what he changed.
The power amp.  Same preamp, same CD player, same speakers, different
power amp (both high end models from the same manufacturer) and the
sound changed.  Bass got a bit tighter and the saxophone got a bit more
"presence".  I could hear it.

We also did an A/B test between 2 CD players.  On the cheap player, when
the flute player inhaled, you heard a person breathe in.  On the
expensive player, you could hear the person's vocal character as he
breathed in.  The difference between the detail in the piano and flute
were huge.

Bottom line - Despite our efforts to reduce the sound of things to a
formula the way circuits sound is tough to characterize.  Often, similar
things don't sound similar.

I've learned to put my "engineering knowledge" aside and make judgments
based on what I hear rather than what I already know.

And THAT approach is what has led me to the K2.  The sound of the audio
is far better than other rigs I've tried.  It is SMOOTH SOUND, pleasing
to listen to, nice to operate.

- Keith KD1E -
- K2 5411 -

>You really should know. I repeat....know... hands 
>amplifiers are the big winner in seeking esoteric audio reproduction. 
>McIntosh brings big bucks for a reason. Solid state just can't do what 
>tubes can. Solid state feels harsh, sounds harsh.
>Tubes bring reality to audio reproduction. Warmth...
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