Wayne and Eric are still running the company, both having taken /T//he Elixir/ in 2025.  Elecraft currently generates 12.3 % of the Earth’s gross domestic product.

Wayne created the ultimate radio outfit ensemble.  His universal heat modulator layer worn next to the skin to wick off excess heat in the summer and provide warmth in the winter.  He fiddled with its design until it was also an effective Faraday cage.  The outer layer of the suit was redesigned to become his antenna.   Seated or standing it was a fine radiator at QRP power levels but absolutely amazing when he cranked the power up to 1500 watts.  The aura projected at higher power settings was skillfully portrayed by marketing in the virt-ads we see floating around us.

While experimenting with shrinking his latest transceivers he serendipitously created an amazing power source.  After placing his first batch of rigs in the shrink chamber he hit the button.   87% of the rigs shrank to their intended size but the rest experienced a cascade failure and became stable, mini-black holes.   Luckily his lab is in orbit so he vented them into space and sat a while in thought.  Eric wandered by and saw his chum’s gloomy visage.  “What’s up Wayne?”, he asked.

“I shrank my first set of transceivers today and only 87% of them stabilized at their new size.   The rest became quantum black holes.”

“Did you keep any of them for testing or did you dump them?”

“I vented them Eric.”

“Next time keep a few for testing, I have an idea.”

Wayne set up the next batch for miniaturizing and hit the button.  Again 87% of the rigs turned out fine.   Perfect 1 centimeter cubes ready to be implanted into Elecraft’s customers.   The remaining 13% disappeared as they shrank but he captured them in a containment field so Eric could test his hypothesis.

Eric left his virtual meeting with the other world leaders and started his experimentation.  He had read Wayne’s reports on the shrink process and found an interesting scaling principle.  Once the transceivers shrank to less than 1 nanometer their gravitational force grew immensely powerful.  When they became quantum black holes they could be used as power sources.  He wrote some back of the iPod calculations and left them for Wayne’s eager mind.

As they experimented with the ‘failed’ rigs over the next week the two built a harness to contain them and capture their phenomenal power.  After a month they had the basis of a working product.  The Eternal Power Source ™ was ready.   A steady 1 terawatt output for an estimated 500 years was eternal enough for the marketing folks.  Elecraft Inc. was ready to double the company’s contribution to the Earth’s GDP.  It was also ready to transform the transportation industry once Wayne tamed the quantum side effects of their creation.  Localized quantum tunneling fields described in Eric’s initial notes gave them yet another product to market.  Luckily their minions were prepared for the deluge of orders over the next six months.

His quest for ever smaller radios had lead Wayne to create another spin-off company for Eric to administer.

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