Hi Don,

--- Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would believe that a W3EDP antenna - 85 ft. radiator with a 17 ft.
> counterpoise wire would be just as easy to deploy as an end-fed dipole and
> the KAT2 will handle it on all bands without the bother of the parallel
> tuned circuit.  You may want to consider that as an alternative.

Sometimes I just need someone to gently shake me back to reality... I've used a
W3EDP and it did fine as far as tuning it is concerned.

I wonder if there's a W3EDP style antenna that is 'bigger' for better
performance on 80m (maybe 170 ft) ? I guess this gives me a good reason to play
with EZNEC.

I did seriously consider the 1/4 wave matching stub (J-pole style), but then I
started to wonder if on 80m, I'd have to have 67 ft of 300 ohm twinlead spread
out along the ground ... or could I twist it up in a coil (is either of these
situations a good thing for a matching stub)? It just seemed to put me further
away from the antenna than I was envisioning, and I was hoping to use each
half-wave harmonically (3.5/7/14/21) and I believe the 1/4 wave matching stub
pretty much makes each one a mono-bander ... but - that's not bad - I'll just
have lots of fun making each end-fed halfwave for each band if I choose this

... but what did I buy the KAT2 for? This is why the W3EDP is a perfect
combination for the K2/KAT2.

Why end fed? Because I plan on tossing the other end over the top of a tree or
two and I don't want to mess with feedline and branches.

73 and thanks,
Daniel AA0NI
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