
I'm not necessarily set on using LP-Bridge, although it is suiting my needs.  As to its age, my logging program hasn't been updated in 12 years and it still works fine. I don't have a problem with the start up time, generally, the computer is on all of the time and my programs are all loaded.  I don't really care about CAT commands as long as 1) my logging program can read the K3 frequency and mode, 2)  SpectraVue can communicate with the K3 and vice versa, 3)  a couple of other programs can do the same.

I never said I was using Omni-rig with Win4K3, that I found necessary to run FT8 using LPB at someone's suggestion.

I find it a bit humorous to have you tell me that I didn't need to look at Device Manager since I got the idea by watching your video @29:30  (Yes, I did watch it and it was helpful).

I launch DXBase using a Windows task to avoid the UAC prompt.  I have a desktop shortcut that points to that task.  I can run that script in LPB to autostart DXBase but AFAIK it won't autostart in Win4K3.


On 6/15/2019 3:27 PM, M. George wrote:
Wes, I think you are pretty well set on the continued use of LP_Bridge.
  Keep in mind that Larry hasn't touched / updated LP_Bridge for 3.5 years,
plus it's painful to wait for it to start up the virtual eltima IMHO.  You
just do not get true virtual K3 CAT instances with LP_Bridge that support
all the K3 CAT commands etc.  Plus with LP_Bridge you can't supply a K3 CAT
read only feed direct to hardware at anything faster than 4800 baud, and
when you do that, the hardware must be set to Kenwood protocol IMHO, again
the hardware won't see the full K3 CAT command set.

There is no reason to use Omni-rig with Win4K3Suite.  Again, the beauty to
true virual K3 CAT feeds.  The software and hardware thinks it's connected
direct to your K3/S.  No more fooling around with another abstraction layer
and required support by the hardware you are using.

com0com port setup couldn't be easier when you use the com0com graphical
setup program.  No need to look at the device manager at all.  And the port
pairs are created at boot time without a laborious wait for Eltima drivers
to load like LP-Bridge.  The control you get with com0com and Win4K3Suite
is much more robust and powerful than LP-Bridge.  Hands down... as I said
before... LP-Bridge isn't in the same ball park, and I also ran LP-Bridge
for years, but I would never go back at this point.  However, you can tell
I'm a Win4K3Suite fan boy. :)  Did you watch my video?

You are really limiting yourself with LP-Bridge, especially if you use
Omni-rig too?  No reason for that even with WSJT etc.  You just don't need
any of that abstraction layer API nonsense with Win4K3Suite.

As far as the auto launch question, you should join and post int he
Win4K3Suite group.  Personally, I don't use any auto launch
because with Win4K3Suite, once it's started and it does start up fast
unlike LP-Bridge (talk about a PITA), you can then just launch the software
you want to use for the type of operating you are doing.  I start
Win4K3Suite and Launch N1MM if I'm going to contest, or DXLap for general
operating and WSJT for FT-8, or run them all at the same time.  You can see
this in the video <>.  By the
time LP-Bridge finally starts and creates the virtual ports, you could have
everything running twice with Win4K3Suite.

As far as the UAC prompt, are you saying that LP-Bridge launches your app
without sowing the UAC prompt to run the software as an administrator?  Are
you starting LP-Bridge as an admin in this case?  Try running Win4K3Sute as
an admin and launch your apps?

Anyway, my two cents... I'm a Win4KSuite fan so its clear I'm very bias at
this point, big time and I like the ongoing updates and full support of the
K3 full CAT command set.

Good luck, I really think you are making it harder than it needs to be
where you are trying to use Omni-rig and LP-Bridge and mixing a semi
virtual K3 CAT via LP-Bridge and then using UDP broadcasts with Omni-Rig
and or a direct Omni-rig connect to a virual port in LP-Bridge?  You could
do the same thing with Win4K3Sute, but there is no need to introduce
Omni-Rig for WSJT, just connect WSJT to a virtual K3 CAT feed from
Win4K3Suite or LP-Bridge for that matter.

I could go on and on... you are very limited with LP-Bridge... where with
Win4K3Suite, you can setup 6 Virtual K3 CAT feeds... using software and or
hardware and whatever baud radio you want and you can control if they are
read/write polling or not K3 CAT feeds.  It's the best $50-$60 software I
have bought for my station needs.  But then again, LP-Bridge is free.  It
comes down to good, fast and cheap.... you can only ever have two of those
three options and sacrifice the third one. :)

Max NG7M

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