Read carefully to avoid the "you don't know what you're talking about" comments.

Wes  N7WS

On 12/15/2019 11:52 AM, Nolan Kienitz wrote:
Talk about dredging up some history ... from 2009??!!

I've read through this thread and a few others and have not found upon any
solid answers that was posed by the OP.

My K3 (S/N: 9013, Assembled: 05/10/15) started having the very faint key
clicks late yesterday afternoon. As noted in the thread they seem to come
from the top, right-rear of the K3.  I've not yet taken the cover off and
put a "tube" to my ear to narrow down source.

When I first turned on my K3 today I did not hear the clicks, but after I
was in the mist of a QSO they became 'hearable'.  Still very faint.

Rig is basic with 100w feeding a dipole. No sub-receiver. No receive antenna
in use.

If anyone has any thoughts about the very soft 'relay click' when operating
CW I'd appreciate the input.

BTW - same response with my single-lever paddle or straight key.  Same
response if I'm feeding my dipole or a dummy load on Ant-2.  Do NOT hear the
'relay click' when it TEST mode.

73  -  Nolan Kienitz,  KI5IO

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