Thanks for running the net Steve. Paul - thanks for the relay. Paul had a lot of trouble copying me which isn't too surprising. He was very strong at S6 until the QSB got him but he always popped back up. My details:

AE6JV    Bill   NH   KX3

I was running the KX3 on an external battery at 15 watts into an home brew end fed antenna tuned for 40M CW and tossed about 15 feet into a tree. The KX3 tuner got a good SWR on 7.280 MHz.

73 Bill AE6JV

On 5/31/20 at 6:03 PM, (Steve Hall) wrote:

Sunday, 1845Z  7280 kHz
Due to band conditions not all info is available and may contain errors.
WM6P       Steve      GA     K3s    Net Control
KB9AVO    Paul        IN      K3s
K5APL       Wes        AR     K2
K4FBI        Mike        VA     K3s
W4DML     Doug       TN     K3
AE6JV       Bill                     K3s
KG5NLQ   Jeff           LA     TS680
WB9JNZ    Eric          IL      K3
AE4OY      William     GA    FT991
N4XV                                  K2
KE3NP      Fred          PA    FT991A
WB4YBY   Norm         MS   Ten-Tec  Orion II
WV8CPD   Dana        WV    FT857
Bill Frantz        | The first thing you need when  | Periwinkle
(408)348-7900 | using a perimeter defense is a | 150 Rivermead Rd #235 | perimeter. | Peterborough, NH 03458

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