I recently added a CW tuning indicator to my K2 (a very useful addition). The 
other night I was listening to W1AW code practice and wanted to see how well I 
picked it up one each of the bands on which code practice is sent. Tuning to 
W1AW on 160m, the side tone of the W1AW signal was essentially right at 600 Hz, 
as indicated by the CW tuning indicator. Switching to 80m and tuning to the 
W1AW frequency, there was a slight but noticeable difference in side tone and I 
had to tune up about 20 Hz to be in the center of the CW tuning indicator band 
width. On one of the other bands on which I could pick up W1AW (either 20m or 
40m, I don't recall which one), the difference in side tone when tuned to the 
W1AW frequency was even more noticeable, and the CW tuning indicator didn't 
even light up until I tuned up about 40Hz. So, either W1AW's transmitting 
frequency accuracy isn't very good (not likely), or there is this noticeable 
variation in VFO frequency display accuracy from band to !
 band in my K2. The difference is not very large (max of about 40 Hz) and is 
really not a problem, but it's enough that it's clearly detectable, both 
audibly and with the CW tuning indicator. Has anyone else noticed this, and is 
there anything I can do to get the tuning accuracy better across all of the 


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